Banke, S. and Woodward, I. (2020) ‘Making and Re-Making Public Spaces: The Co(Vid) Creation of Music Festivals’ The European Sociologist 45 (1) Available here.
Berkers, P., Schaap, J., Vandenberg, F., Everts, R., Swartjes, B., Goosens, D., Berghman, M. and Kimenai, F. (2021) ‘Muziek als medicijn tegen maatschappelijke kwalen?’ Sociologie Magazine, nummer 1. Available here.
Golemo, K. and Kupis, M. (2022) ‘Hybrid festivals: Challenges facing Cracow’s festival scene in times of pandemic’, Kultura i Społeczeństwo. 66 (3): 117-141. Available here.
Haynes, J. and Mogilnicka, M. (2022) ‘Making Space: Investigating the diversity conundrum for British music festivals’, Social & Cultural Geography. Available here.
Swartjes, B. and Berkers, P. (2022) ‘Designing Conviviality? How Music Festival Organizers Produce Spaces of Encounter in an Urban Context’ Leisure Sciences. Available here.
Swartjes, B., Berkers, P., Haynes, J., Woodward, I. and Mogilnicka, M. (2023) ‘Uncertain festival futures: how European music festival organisers navigate ‘loss’’, Creative Industries Journal, Online first: Available here.
Swartjes, B. and Haynes, J. (2023) ‘Working Live. A sociological account of the entangled relations of liveness through festival work’, Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts. Online first: Available here.
Swartjes, B. and Berkers, P. (2023) ‘‘Getting in’ or ‘moving on’? On internship experiences and representation in the popular music festival sector’, Journal of Education and Work. Available here.
Dillane, A. (2023) At the juncture of the liminal and the neoliberal: Can the smaller, independent commercial music festival survive into the future? In I. Woodward, J. Haynes, P. Berkers, A. Dillane and K. Golemo (eds) Remaking Culture and Music Spaces. Affects, Infrastructures, Futures. London: Routledge, pp. 223- 234.
Dillane, A. and Raine, S. (2023) Creating Ambience through Music in Dublin’s Cultural Quarter: Temple Bar TradFest. In I. Sánchez-Fuarros, D. Paiva and D. Malet Calvo (eds) Ambiance, Tourism and the City. Ambiances, Atmospheres and Sensory Experiences of Space. Routledge.
Golemo, K. (2023) Experimenting with adulthood in the time of pandemic: The 18th edition of the Sacrum Profanum festival in Cracow. In I. Woodward, J. Haynes, P. Berkers, A. Dillane and K. Golemo (eds) Remaking Culture and Music Spaces. Affects, Infrastructures, Futures. London: Routledge, pp. 165-178.
Golemo, K. and Kupis, M. (eds) (2023) Space of Diversity? Polish Music Festivals in a Changing Society, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press. Available here.
Golemo, K. (2022) The EtnoKrakow Festival: Encounters at the Crossroads of Cultures. In K. Golemo and M. Kupis (eds) Space of Diversity? Polish Music Festivals in a Changing Society, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press.
Haynes, J. and Woodward, I. (2023) Introduction: Making sense of culture and music space during and beyond the pandemic. In I. Woodward, J. Haynes, P. Berkers, A. Dillane and K. Golemo (eds) Remaking Culture and Music Spaces. Affects, Infrastructures, Futures. London: Routledge, pp. 1-17.
Kimenai, F., Berkers, P., Kanyemesha, N. and Vervoort, J. (2023) Unknown Futures: Towards a more resilient Dutch popular music. In I. Woodward, J. Haynes, P. Berkers, A. Dillane and K. Golemo (eds) Remaking Culture and Music Spaces. Affects, Infrastructures, Futures. London: Routledge, pp. 209-222.
Kupis, M. (2022) Festival Agora? The Academy of the Finest Arts as a Case Study of the Festivalization of the Public Sphere. In K. Golemo and M. Kupis (eds) Space of Diversity? Polish Music Festivals in a Changing Society, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press.
Swartjes, B. and Berkers, P. (2022) How Music Festival Organisers in Rotterdam Deal with Diversity. In A. Smith, G. Osborn, B. Quinn (eds) Festivals & The City: The Contested Geographies of Urban Environments. London: University of Westminster Press, pp. 95-109. Available here.
Swartjes, B. and Vandenberg, F. (2023) Festival atmospheres: Social, spatial, and material explorations of physically distanced festivals. In I. Woodward, J. Haynes, P. Berkers, A. Dillane and K. Golemo (eds) Remaking Culture and Music Spaces. Affects, Infrastructures, Futures. London: Routledge, pp. 21-33.
Taylor, I., Raine, S. and Hamilton, C. (2023) Reconceiving spatiality and value in the live music industries in response to COVID-19. In I. Woodward, J. Haynes, P. Berkers, A. Dillane and K. Golemo (eds) Remaking Culture and Music Spaces. Affects, Infrastructures, Futures. London: Routledge, pp. 75-87.
Woodward, I., Haynes, J., Berkers, P., Dillane, A. and Golemo, K. (eds) (2023) Remaking Culture and Music Spaces. Affects, Infrastructures, Futures. London: Routledge. Available here
Woodward, I., Haynes, J. and Mogilnicka, M. (2023) Refiguring pathologised festival spaces: Governance, risk, and creativity. In I. Woodward, J. Haynes, P. Berkers, A. Dillane and K. Golemo (eds) Remaking Culture and Music Spaces. Affects, Infrastructures, Futures. London: Routledge, pp. 150-164.
Dillane, A. ‘The Work of National Case Studies in the FestiVersities Project: Scope, Methods, and Challenges of Collaborative Music Festival Research’, Music Festival Studies: Current Perspectives, Future Directions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July-August 2020.
Woodward, I. and Banke, S. ‘Un-making and Re-making Music Festivals. Compressed Cultural Trauma, Rematerialisations, and Responses to Cultural Loss’, The Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference, Sociological Insights for the Now Normal, November 2020.
Berkers, P. and Swartjes, B. Conference Panel organisation: ‘Festiversities: European Music Festivals, Cultural Diversity and Resilience in Times of Crisis’ , Research Network on Culture (RN7) European Sociological Association, En-compassing Cultures Conference, March 2021.
Swartjes, B. and Berkers, P. ‘Uncertain Festival Futures: How Do Festivals Organizers Navigate ‘Loss’, Research Network on Culture (RN7) European Sociological Association, En-compassing Cultures Conference, March 2021.
Haynes, J. and Mogilnicka, M. ‘Making Space: Investigating the Diversity Conundrum for British Music Festivals’, Research Network on Culture (RN7) European Sociological Association, En-compassing Cultures Conference, March 2021.
Golemo, K. and Kupis, M. ‘Hybrid Festivals: Challenges Facing Cracow’s Festival Scene in Times of Pandemic’, Research Network on Culture (RN7) European Sociological Association, En-compassing Cultures Conference, March 2021.
Woodward, I. ‘Repairing Music Festivals: Compressed Cultural Trauma, Rematerialisations, and Responses to Cultural Loss’, Research Network on Culture (RN7) European Sociological Association, En-compassing Cultures Conference, March 2021.
Dillane, A. ‘Assemblages of Grief and Renewal: Body & Soul’s “Éiru’s Threshold” in the era of
Covid-19′, Research Network on Culture (RN7) European Sociological Association, En-compassing Cultures Conference, March 2021.
Woodward, I. Conference Panel organisation: ‘Making music festivals: Diversity, Space, Freedom, Encounter’, KISMIF, DIY Cultures and Global Challenges Conference, June 2021.
Haynes, J., Woodward, I., and Berkers, P. Keynote Workshop. ‘Researching and theorising devolving music spaces’ KISMIF Summer School. KISMIF DIY Cultures and Global Challenges Conference, June 2021.
Golemo, K. and Kupis, M. ‘Music Festival as Space of Freedom: Past and Present’, KISMIF, DIY Cultures and Global Challenges Conference, June 2021.
Dillane, A. ‘Devolving to Unreconstructed DIYers? Rethinking the Urban Music Festivals for Tourists (TempleBar TradFest)’, KISMIF, DIY Cultures and Global Challenges Conference, June 2021.
Mogilnicka, M. and Haynes, J. ‘Making Space: Investigating the Diversity Conundrum for British Music Festivals’, KISMIF, DIY Cultures and Global Challenges Conference, June 2021.
Swartjes, B. and Berkers, P. ‘Uncertain Festival Futures: How Do Festivals Organizers Navigate ‘Loss’, KISMIF, DIY Cultures and Global Challenges Conference, June 2021.
Raine, S. Keynote. ‘The Great Reset? Gender inequality in a post-pandemic music industry landscape’, Women in Music. Malmo Live. 2021.
Woodward, I. Keynote. ‘Reconceiving Cosmopolitanism. A more- than-representational agenda’ INVENT Culture EC project meeting. Erasmus University, Rotterdam. 2021.
Woodward, I. ‘Refiguring Festival Spaces, Risk and Uncertainty. Governance, Creativity, and the Role of the Festival organiser’, 12th International Music Business Research Days – Staging popular music: sustainable music ecologies for artists, industries and cities. Erasmus University, Rotterdam. October 2021.
Haynes, J. ‘Future proofing live music: Tech-crews’ ‘hidden’ cultures of collaboration, creativity and expertise’, 12th International Music Business Research Days – Staging popular music: sustainable music ecologies for artists, industries and cities. Erasmus University, Rotterdam. October 2021.
Swartjes, B. ‘Crossing the (Erasmus) bridge: how music festivals reconstruct or bridge symbolic and spatial boundaries in Rotterdam’, 12th International Music Business Research Days – Staging popular music: sustainable music ecologies for artists, industries and cities. Erasmus University, Rotterdam. October 2021.
Raine, S. and Dillane, A. ‘Sustainable and adaptable popular music ethnographies: Doing popular music ethnography during and post-COVID 19’, 12th International Music Business Research Days – Staging popular music: sustainable music ecologies for artists, industries and cities. Erasmus University, Rotterdam. October 2021.
Kupis, M. ‘Woodstock in Poland. Influences of the original Woodstock Festival on Polish Woodstock Station/Pol’and’Rock Festival’ Festival Culture Research and Education, 3rd Annual International Symposium on Festival Culture, Theme: ‘Connections, Interconnections and Disconnections in Festival, 2022.
Raine, S. ‘Negotiating Definitions of Cultural Diversity: Music festivals in Ireland during COVID-19 and post-pandemic’ Invited guest talk, Department of Music, University of York, UK. 2022.
Golemo, K. ‘Sound, Image, Performance. The “Sacrum Profanum” Festival between real and virtual space’, Musical multimediality as a keystone of artistic manifestations in the 20th-21st century Europe, Institute of Musicology, Jagiellonian University. 31 August – 2 September 2022.
Kupis, M. ‘Instagram stories as a new form of music multimediality’, Musical multimediality as a keystone of artistic manifestations in the 20th-21st century Europe, Institute of Musicology, Jagiellonian University. 31 August – 2 September 2022.
Berkers, P. ‘Unknown Futures. Towards a more resilient music sector’, Remaking Culture and Music Spaces Symposium, Den Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen. October 2022.
Golemo, K. ‘The Cracow’s Sacrum Profanum festival between real and virtual space. Multiple faces of creativity in the time of pandemic’, Remaking Culture and Music Spaces Symposium, Den Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen. October 2022.
Haynes, J. and Swartjes, B. ‘Working live(s)’, Remaking Culture and Music Spaces Symposium, Den Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen. October 2022.
Kupis, M. ‘Festivals and beliefs in Poland. The affective relationship between Station Woodstock and Station Jesus’, Remaking Culture and Music Spaces Symposium, Den Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen. October 2022.
Mogilnicka, M. and Haynes, J. ‘Making space: Investigating the diversity conundrum for British music festivals’, Remaking Culture and Music Spaces Symposium, Den Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen. October 2022.
Woodward, I. and Haynes, J. ‘Governing responsible festivals’, Remaking Culture and Music Spaces Symposium, Den Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen. October 2022.
Woodward, I. and Haynes, J. Co-Chairs Discussion Panel: Festival Futures and Contested Free Space?, GRASP: A Festival of New Ideas, Ragnarock Museet for pop, rock og ungdomskultur, Roskilde, DK. October 2022.
Golemo, K. Panel Participant: Festival Futures and Contested Free Space?, GRASP: A Festival of New Ideas, Ragnarock Museet for pop, rock og ungdomskultur, Roskilde, DK. October 2022.
Haynes, J. Keynote Conversation with Professor Simon Frith, Curating for Change: The Work that Music Festivals do in the World Conference, Queens University & University of Guelph, Canada. 14 October, 2022
Woodward, I. ‘Festivals as social event. Communities, hedonism, and the cultural public sphere’. Public talk in the ‘Beer and Science’ Series, Odense. November 2019.
‘FestiVersities‘. Beer and Science Podcast Series, September 2020, Interview with Ian Woodward & Signe Banke.
Woodward, I. ‘5700 Summer blev denne sommers succeshistorie’, Fyens Stiftstidende, media commentary.
Woodward, I. Sommerens succeshistorie: 5700 Summer ramte pletskud’, Fyns Amts Avis, media commentary.
Woodward, I. and Banke, S. ‘Corona-pandemien tydeliggør værdien af festivaler: »Ikonisk sommerfejring’, Ritzau, media commentary.
Woodward, I. and Banke, S. ‘Socialt traume? Corona-pandemien tydeliggør værdien af festivaler’, Videnskab.dk, Story about FestiVersities research project
Woodward, I. and Banke, S. ‘Den moderne festival er en komprimeret kulturbombe, mange ikke vil undvære’, Kristelig Dagblad, media commentary.
Banke, S. ‘Bukta ble avlyst – satte billettrekord for 2021: Festivalforsker tror folk kan bli «enda sprøere» på festival etter koronakrisa’, iTromso.no, media commentary.
Banke, S. ‘Danish festivalgoers in COVID-19 times’, DR1 Danmarks Radio, radio discussion of 2020 festival season.
Swartjes, B. and Schaap, J. ‘Music Talks: Festivals and Corona’, Livestreamed Artistic Symposium, December 2020. FestiVersities NL in cooporation with, Roodkapje, Operator Radio and the Popunie. Featuring Frankie Dros (Blijdorp Festival), Frank Kimenai (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Pim Kipp (Metropolis Festival), Luka (Artist), Julian Schaap (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Rotterdam), Britt Swartjes (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Gareth Thrasher (PRSPCT), Femke Vandenberg (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Aziz Yagoub (Poppodium Annabel).
Swartjes, B. ‘IASPM Pop Talks (Re-)Connecting Popular Music Studies in Times of Crises’, Rotterdam 2020.
Swartjes, B. ‘Beetje hoop voor onderzoekers die door corona in de knel kwamen. ‘ nos.nl, December 2020.
Swartjes, B. ‘Ein online festivalzommer’, svjmedia.nl, December 2020.
Banke, S., and Woodward, I. ‘Making and Re-Making Public Spaces: The Co(Vid)-Creation of Music Festivals’, Blog entry at FestiVersities.com, June 25, 2020.
Haynes, J. and Mogilnicka, M. ‘Inhale the Future, Exhale the past: music festivals and our park(ed) lives’, Blog entry at FestiVersities.com, July 1, 2020.
Banke, S. ‘A Distanced-Distributed Field’, Blog entry at FestiVersities.com, September 8, 2020.
Fleurquin, T. ‘Distortion Festival, Copenhagen’, By Thomas Fleurquin, Director and Founder of Distortion Copenhagen, and partner in the DK research project, September 8, 2020.
Golemo, K. and Kupis, M. ‘Pol’and’Rock 2020: the most beautiful virtual house party’, Blog entry at FestiVersities.com, November 11, 2020.
Mogilnicka, M. and Haynes, J. ‘Glastonbury and its Vivid Presence’, Blog entry at FestiVersities.com, March 5, 2021.
Dillane, A. ‘Assemblages of grief and hope: A year into the pandemic for the festive arts’, Irish Humanities, Irishhumanities.com. February 23, 2021.